Posted by: nsabo | July 14, 2020

Marketing is Ultimately Service reintroduced

Posted by: nsabo | July 5, 2020

American Business Owners ‘Symbols of Freedom’

America’s independence marked the beginning of a new era. It also offered to the world a haven to which all could aspire to be free to express their full potential or personal ambitions.

As we acknowledge and celebrate the birth of America and its independence, let us also acknowledge those who have stood by the Freedom and Liberties gained.

There are those who represent the culmination of America’s Independence, but seldom seemed recognized. Today, we find the independent business owner a visible, active representation of what it means to fully exercise independence in America. They may be viewed as our present day, living ‘Symbols of Freedom’.

We experience in America, not only the determination and progress of our citizens’ quest of independence, but thousands travel from around the world to this land of opportunity to be able to express and experience that same Freedom.

May we this Fourth of July, Independence Day, salute our early patriots; the pioneers that have brought us out of the wilderness into the wealth of the world; and the independent business owners. They are constantly overcoming the odds and assisting in holding onto the God Ideals of our Constitution. They are helping to transform America into the world’s most valuable resource of people.

It is their willingness to dream and to pursue that dream that makes them a Tribute to this nation. As we gather about in celebration of our country’s Birth and Independence, may we send a bit of Love and Gratitude to the American Business Owner and all who represent the American Dream.

The American Dream is alive and well appreciated by all who stand firmly by the Freedom and Rights we enjoy. The American Business Owner brings our history into focus – today! Perhaps, we can all better relate to what Freedom in America means as we send gratitude to those living ‘Symbols of Freedom’, who dare to pursue the American Dream

Posted by: nsabo | May 14, 2020

2020 Business Redefined Forum


Posted by: nsabo | January 1, 2020

2020 signifies more than a new decade

Without the vision of Perfection the people perish. Advances of all sorts bring the American people to the stage of spiritual and moral advancement. ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ being the motto of the Unites States of America, is at its highest point and due now to manifest; setting the new and final stage for humanity’s progress on earth.

Freedom, prosperity, and peace are the foundation in which America has been established. Every destructive force on earth has tried to destroy this GOD-given nation. America shall be FREE; and with that freedom all mankind shall reap the blessings.

2020 signifies more than a new decade. It means a crystal clear vision (2020 VISION) for Americans and the heart-felt passion and drive to manifest the highest Ideals known to mankind since earth’s beginning.

GOD BLESS AMERICA! GOD BLESS 2020! GOD BLESS ALL MANKIND especially those making the conscious effort to serve the LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER, EVER FAILS!

Dr. Stanley El, D.Div., Founder
The National Society of American Business Owners
Established 1996


The movement in business today is the virtuous company. Society has labeled it social enterprise. This is not lip service or a sales gimmick. The younger generation of entrepreneurs are genuinely committed to eliminating deceit, abuse, waste and devious business practices for profit. This has destroyed Humanitarium efforts to advance the world; and enrich lives. The profit motive, as the sole motivation in business, has destroyed families; plagued society with witch craft and hypnotic control.

Today, the purpose of businesses attaining extraordinary success and achievements is total enrichment within individuals, families, communities, careers, and among nations.

This new cycle of humanity’s creation brings with it Cosmic Illumination; the Divine Consciousness that says only, “GOD’s Will Be Done.”

America is the Heart Center and Spiritual fuel that ushers in this New Age of Health, Happiness and Prosperity for all. That has become the Divine Obligation of every American’s duty to GOD and this country, which is a duty to all mankind and earth. Shine On, O America! We love you!

‘I AM’ so grateful! GOD bless you, Victoriously in the Light of GOD that never fails! Dr. Stanley El, D.Div., Founder/Chairperson
The National Society of American Business Owners
Nation’s Authority in American Business Ownership Development


Read More…

“Three American Patriots” Dr. Stanley El, D.Div. (founder of The National Society of American Business Owners), Michael Williams (musician/producer), and retired Major Richard Hay (author) express the appreciation for the service rendered by Veterans at Veterans Haven South. The group expressed their appreciation by sharing stories, music, singing and inspiring words.

Dr. Stanley El, D.Div. narrated “The Unknown Speaker” an account of July 4, 1776. He also provided encouraging words.

Author/Retired Major Richard Hay shared his search for Truth as a common thread; a path pursued after his tour in Vietnam.

Michael Williams played popular patriotic and spiritual songs for the Vets. He was accompanied by Dr. El in the performance of the title track of his CD “America, ‘I AM’ Grateful!” Dr. El narrated a poem he wrote for the track.

Posted by: nsabo | May 12, 2019

Three American Patriots

Dr. Stanley El, D.Div., founder of The National Society of American Business Owners joins musician/producer Michael Williams and author/retired Major Richard Hay in Washington DC to express their love and appreciation for the United States of America.

The trio made a commitment to perform a program called “America, ‘I AM’ Grateful!” The patriotic program is based the music CD produced by Michael Williams. The title track includes lyrics written and narrated by Dr. El.

Posted by: nsabo | December 21, 2018

The End of a Cycle Approaches; the Open Door widens

I have noticed how people have begun to focus on ending 2018 with certain goals completed. Others have begun to express their goals for 2019. How many of us really understand what is happening on the planet?

We’re entering a very unique year. 2019 is the last year of a decade and the doorway into a new one. How many people are reviewing the achievements of the decade?

What is important is that people recognize the many gifts and blessings gained. They should also recognize the many opportunities approaching.

For Americans, it means staying on the course laid out by those who have given their lives to establish the First and ONLY Nation under which GOD was publicly recognized as the True Authority over all mankind.

We are One Nation Under GOD with the responsibility to advance into greater heights. That means as One Nation Under GOD, we are destined to become a nation dedicated to GOD ideals in such extremes as to produce a nation of peacemakers, philanthropists, philosophers, inventors, spiritual leaders, saints, sages, prophets, and pioneers; all co-Creators with Almighty GOD.

Our course is steady. The opposition we face is only a mirage created by those who seek to diminish the power of GOD in the hearts and minds of the American people.

Evil has NO POWER against America’s Light!

Americans must understand where we are as a nation. We have maintained a momentum nearing 250 years as a One Nation Under of GOD. That power of momentum; attention to GOD, transcends all evil. None can oppose such strength and commitment to a Nation of GOD, for GOD, with GOD; and by GOD.

Our commitment as Americans is to leverage that momentum, if we dare. Dare? Yes, dare to openly aspire to, express, and pursue GOD Ideals; attempt to manifest Miracles; exercise a Christ Consciousness; and elevate humanity beyond anything ever known to the history of the earth.


“There is NO Greater Love in the Universe than ‘I AM’!”

Dr. Stanley El, D.Div., Founder

Posted by: nsabo | September 23, 2018

The United States Constitution ‘A Divine Manifestation’

Moses was given the Law by which the people of earth should govern themselves; that they might live in peace and enjoy the fruits of their labors. That Law was put into written form as a reference for generations to follow.

Moses also structured a form of representative government putting the power of government with the people giving them the opportunity to direct their own futures.

Beloved Jesus came forth the Example of God’s Law in full manifestation. This He gave as the expression of the Law of Love and Brotherhood of man. Those who followed chose obedience to the Great Commandments through Beloved Jesus. His Disciples were an expansion of His Love and Teachings.

The Founders, like Moses, were chosen for a similar task. They were selected for the combined tasks of living the Law and bringing it into form as a government of the people. They acknowledged God as the Source of their Rights to Freedom, Prosperity and Peace.

“There is NO Greater Love in the Universe than ‘I AM’!”

Dr. Stanley El, D.Div.

Posted by: nsabo | September 17, 2018


For all GOD loving Americans, Constitution Day, September 17th, marks an important phase of humanity’s development. While establishing the “Rule of Law’ not over men, but for governments, we can enjoy the pursuit of freedom; to achieve greatness. For what good is Freedom if not used to strive for greatness. Life does not limit us. Status does not limit us. Conditions can not limit us when we are free to pursue any height we chose. ‘I AM’ so grateful! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

“There is No Greater Love in the Universe than ‘I AM’!”

Dr. Stanley El, D.Div.

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